2024 Agendas and Minutes
January 2024
Frontier Village & Museum, Inc
Agenda for Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, January 18th, 2024
6:30 PM
Opening of the meeting/ Welcome Guests Aaron Thornhill
Committee Reports;
Treasurers Report,Dale Anderson
Grounds Report Daniel Cirkles
Genealogy Report Susan Hawkins
Marketing/Social Media Report/Planning Susan Hawkins
Museum Report Aaron Thornhill
Old Business
New Business
Meeting adjourned
Next meeting scheduled for 6:30pm on Thursday, February 15th , 2024
Frontier Village & Museum, Inc
Agenda for Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, January 18th, 2024
6:30 PM
Opening of the meeting/ Welcome Guests Aaron Thornhill
Committee Reports;
Treasurers Report,Dale Anderson
Grounds Report Daniel Cirkles
Genealogy Report Susan Hawkins
Marketing/Social Media Report/Planning Susan Hawkins
Museum Report Aaron Thornhill
Old Business
New Business
Meeting adjourned
Next meeting scheduled for 6:30pm on Thursday, February 15th , 2024
Minutes of the January 18th, 2024
Frontier Village and Museum, Inc
Board Meeting
Attending were: Linda Turner, Gay Nix, Lyndon Nix, Daniel R R?ihhr (spelling?)Jr, Heather Boykin, visitor, museum member , Samantha Wortz, Dale Anderson, Doug Bucy, Paul Donoho, Kara Totten, Aaron Thornhill.
Opening the meeting by Pres. Aaron Thornhill, we then proceeded with the Allegiance to the Flag of the United States and our Allegiance to Texas and welcoming our guest to the meeting.
A revision was made by Aaron Thornhill about a revision of an earlier arrangement to try to line up the endings of terms at the same time but on reviewing that it was a bad idea and that the original terms ending for Linda Turner and Dan Cirkles will come to their former end in time this year. A motion was made but names possibly not caught correctly. I think it was seconded by Lyndon Nix and ? It passed
The Treasures report by Dale Anderson. He reported The General Account $8,069.32 and the Capital Improvements Account $30,691.53
He reported the monies going in and out in the month and that the legal information has been gathered and the tax were to be filed that week.
He reported work done on the Blacksmith shop was nearly completed by Scott Drum and that he needed to be repaid for the work and equipment for the shop. The total $671.95 was seconded and passed and the check ordered to be paid.
He reported that Scott was a very good person to save us money at all the home supply stores and lumber yards.
Treasurers report was accepted and seconded by Dan Cirkles and Lyndon Nix. It passed
Museum report was given by Aaron Thornhill. In Nov. 2023 we had 130 Guests and 11 members ,2 non members rented the community room.
In Dec 2023 we had 88 guests, it was a 252% increase from last year. 2 members and 5 non members rented the community room. That report was motioned and Dan Cirkles and Lyndon Nix seconded. It passed
Grounds Report- It was reported the Dental chair was moved from the old office, and the building demolished and that it likely had nothing to salvage. We need to think about what the cement slab can be reused for.
We were informed that Billy Clegg, who is a board member and a contractor cannot spend much time at the Village due to the illness of his wife. We all had best wishes for them both at this time.
The grounds report was motioned to accept it and it was seconded by Lyndon Nix and Scott Drum.
Genealogy report was brief as nothing is happening this month except two Genealogical programs for the public will be given in February and throughout the year.
Plans for insulating the building this next week is underway.
We took a vote to remove the $1.00 fee to use the current library room because we wish to be able to seek grants and other future connections and do not wish to be tagged as a commercial library.
The motion was made and seconded by Linda Turner and Paul Donoho. It passed.
Susan Hawkins, Genealogy Committee head informed the board that she adopted the TXGenWeb Grayson Co page and will use it to further our genealogical connections and ways to assist people researching in Grayson County.
Marketing/planning/Media Committee report. Led by Susan Hawkins committee head.
That we were proud of all the changes and we (Susan Hawkins, Kara Totten, and Samantha Wortz) are working hard on classes and events to bring people to the Village and we are getting great reports in the community. It also opened a good avenue to open another income stream to support the Village and the constant needs and repairs. Samantha reported that Natalie Bauman was to write a history for us and she talked of some of the planned events we had in Nov. Dec. and in Jan. Starting in Feb. we will have a long list of events to support the Village.
Samantha outlined the planned newsletter that it will be published soon.
Dale Anderson Motioned to accept the report passed and seconded by Linda Turner.
Executive Directors Report given by Aaron Thornhill. He listed a lot of things that are improvements or good things happening for the Village.
The Old Settlers Association was giving us $25,000 much needed dollars to help us in our preservation work.
He listed some of the events of the past two and a half months. The Holiday Lights reception was held and about 300 people came by.
We had kids’ crafts and children were enjoyed the new classes.
Channel 12, KXII came out and filmed during the Christmas Story-time in the Davis- Ansley Cabin. Children loved being there as it is usually locked up and seen only through a glass door.
We are happy we have two blacksmiths who do demonstrations and now an old improved rebuild in Macaja Davis blacksmith shop.
Samantha started a crochet club and people are enjoying that.
One of the Scouts whose troop has a Village home got his Eagle Scout Badge on live streaming from the Village. We support our youth.
A canning class was given by a community member, Melissa from Holmes Family Rustic Kitchen. We have at least two more canning classes planned this year and more if the public wants more.
Plans are underway to establishing a Frontier Village Cannon Crew which will organize Feb 3rd. They will learn to fire civil war light artillery.
We are also organizing a re-enactment class and look forward hopefully they will join us in our events in the future. It will be a good class and experience no matter what they choose later.
We will be planting an herb garden this year (and Susan Hawkins will organize an herb group and start a newsletter column).
Children will come to a class in Feb to make a Valentine craft and of course learn a little history.
We will have a sweetheart social in honor of Valentines in Feb.
And our big event, Frontier Days will be in March and we have much preparation to do.
He continued that we need a security system and had priced a starter one for $1147.00. We can add to it and add sensors and cameras as needed with monitoring each month for $30.00 no matter how many sensors or cameras were installed.
He discussed the new Patron and Sponsor levels and amounts. A notice was sent out to explain the levels and one attached to this report.
There was a passage in our Bylaws that needs to be rewritten to cover the ‘Mayor of the Village mentioned in the discussions and it was tabled for later. Plans are to vote for it in February. Mike Shaw as Parliamentarian can get that ready for us to vote on.
A brief thought discussed for a future meeting is to find a way to fund a walkway to make the Village more accessible and less muddy. Maybe doing it in sections. This was tabled for another time and with more funds we don’t have yet.
The Holiday Lights group gave us two of their older displays, Skaters and carolers. We can work on a little display for the village next fall.
There was a little flap about the advertising of the Holiday Lights when they shut it down on Christmas and didn't’ inform us so we could change the ads for it. However for this year the Lights Committee can set up some kind of hot line so we don’t have to answer calls and they can control it and just give us the advertising information straight.
Aaron Thornhill, Scott Drum and Dale Anderson visited with the City of Denison people looking for assistance with better communication and to let them know of our activities and they were happy to hear of it. Lorie (?)finance manager for the city had a long meeting with them. She said there were many grants we may qualify for that are from Hotel Taxes and are for helping tourism.
She came out with the city cinematographer and made a film that they are preparing for us. Also she suggested to file for a City Council grant for $5,000.
We have been asked to join in on the Doc Holiday Day in Denison on April 27th. Dress in clothing the 1870-1880 period. There will be a camp on the old Denison High school block of Main street and a booth somewhere to support Frontier Village.
Our Frontier Days will be held here March 15-16th . It is arranged so that schools can come out and enjoy a trip that Friday the 15th. We all have work to do.
He is in touch with all the other museums in the area, Sherman, Fort Washita, Chestnut Square, Fort Inglish, etc to keep contact and help each other supporting events and ideas. Forming a Co-op.
He is also taking trips to schools including McDaniel and will be taking Civil war exhibits there.
The report finished and voted to accept the report. Motion by Lyndon Nix and 2nd by Doug Bucy.
The Adjournment also motioned and accepted by same.
February 2024
February 15th Agenda:
Frontier Village & Museum, Inc
Agenda for the Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, 15 Feb 2024
Opening of the Meeting and Greeting Guests Aaron Thornhill
Minutes of the January 2024 Meeting Susan Hawkins
Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report Dale Anderson
Grounds Report Dan Cirkles
Genealogy Report Susan Hawkins
Marketing/ Social/ Media/ Planning Report Susan Hawkins
Executive Director- Museum Report Aaron Thornhill
Old Business
New Business
Meeting Adjourned
Next meeting scheduled for 6:30 PM on Thursday, March 21sth, 2024
February 15th Agenda:
Frontier Village & Museum, Inc
Agenda for the Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, 15 Feb 2024
Opening of the Meeting and Greeting Guests Aaron Thornhill
Minutes of the January 2024 Meeting Susan Hawkins
Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report Dale Anderson
Grounds Report Dan Cirkles
Genealogy Report Susan Hawkins
Marketing/ Social/ Media/ Planning Report Susan Hawkins
Executive Director- Museum Report Aaron Thornhill
Old Business
New Business
Meeting Adjourned
Next meeting scheduled for 6:30 PM on Thursday, March 21sth, 2024
Minutes of the February 15th 2024
Frontier Village and Museum, Inc
Board Meeting
Those who signed in were Dale Anderson, Aaron Thornhill, Linda Turner, Daniel R Cirkles Jr, Scott Drum, Sandy Ulmer, Sam Wortz, Susan Hawkins
Aaron Thornhill opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. The January 2024 minutes were accepted the motion to accept them were Dan Cirkles and Scott Drum.
The Treasury Report was given by Dale Anderson. We had expenses presented to the board; Our PO Box cost $210.00 a year and were paid. We put in Security cameras and sensors at the costs of $896.64 (They work well and we saved a lot by by buying early before the prices went up on the equipment.) The security system also helps us save on our insurance.
Other expense was the T Mobile of $50.00 a month. We have new software which is a better tool for the treasury report. The new software also helps easily see our earnings. And it helps with the taxes. Our Taxes are paid for 2024.
The treasurers report was accepted and motion made by Dan Cirkles and Sandy Ulmer.
Grounds report was given by Dan Cirkles that he inspected the new blacksmith shop and reported it to be good and solid.
He will not be able to be present for a while as his wife is very sick. He and Dale Anderson will figure out repairs that are needed here at the Village and will see to the work of replacing windows in the Fitzgerald house an Sofias cabin. They will submit bids to remake the windows.
The Grounds report was accepted by Scott Drum and Linda Turner.
The Wifi we have had put in reaches to the Davis-Ansley Cabin from the Museum Building.
They announced a workday to be held the 18th of Feb to the 23rd.
Media and Planning Committee have been working on expanding our memberships and interest groups. Mentioned was that someone had contacted us about paranormal interest in the village. That a tictoc might be made to increase our pool of volunteers.
That we need to have flyers made to put in the travel center and in local spots where they might help to expand our visitors and volunteers.
Motions by Sandy Ulmer and Scott Drum.
A new prospective Board Member was presented, Mark Wingert to join the board.
Dale Anderson motioned to wave the 6 month waiting to let him joining the board. Dale Anderson and Linda Turner motioned to accept and he was accepted.
Frontier Village and Museum, Inc
Board Meeting
Those who signed in were Dale Anderson, Aaron Thornhill, Linda Turner, Daniel R Cirkles Jr, Scott Drum, Sandy Ulmer, Sam Wortz, Susan Hawkins
Aaron Thornhill opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. The January 2024 minutes were accepted the motion to accept them were Dan Cirkles and Scott Drum.
The Treasury Report was given by Dale Anderson. We had expenses presented to the board; Our PO Box cost $210.00 a year and were paid. We put in Security cameras and sensors at the costs of $896.64 (They work well and we saved a lot by by buying early before the prices went up on the equipment.) The security system also helps us save on our insurance.
Other expense was the T Mobile of $50.00 a month. We have new software which is a better tool for the treasury report. The new software also helps easily see our earnings. And it helps with the taxes. Our Taxes are paid for 2024.
The treasurers report was accepted and motion made by Dan Cirkles and Sandy Ulmer.
Grounds report was given by Dan Cirkles that he inspected the new blacksmith shop and reported it to be good and solid.
He will not be able to be present for a while as his wife is very sick. He and Dale Anderson will figure out repairs that are needed here at the Village and will see to the work of replacing windows in the Fitzgerald house an Sofias cabin. They will submit bids to remake the windows.
The Grounds report was accepted by Scott Drum and Linda Turner.
The Wifi we have had put in reaches to the Davis-Ansley Cabin from the Museum Building.
They announced a workday to be held the 18th of Feb to the 23rd.
Media and Planning Committee have been working on expanding our memberships and interest groups. Mentioned was that someone had contacted us about paranormal interest in the village. That a tictoc might be made to increase our pool of volunteers.
That we need to have flyers made to put in the travel center and in local spots where they might help to expand our visitors and volunteers.
Motions by Sandy Ulmer and Scott Drum.
A new prospective Board Member was presented, Mark Wingert to join the board.
Dale Anderson motioned to wave the 6 month waiting to let him joining the board. Dale Anderson and Linda Turner motioned to accept and he was accepted.
- Executive Director Reported that we had another new Eagle Scout in our home troop.
- Aaron Thornhill reported that we will be present for the Doc Holiday event in Denison. That we will have a camp set up where the old high school used to be.
- The Fitzgerald Family is supporting the Fitzgerald home repairs.
- That plans are made for reverse field trips with the schools and that Durant is interested as well as schools here.
- We need vendors for events.
- That the city will help with taking down trees and limbs.
- Loy Lake Park rebuild is a planned multiyear project. That even the main entrance to be changed. Also mentioned is HWY 75 which is going through a large repair and expansion over the next few years.
- Discussions with the group controlling the yearly holiday light show committee, says we cannot receive any of the earnings. We will not have to field calls about the light show that they are making a page to take all inquires.
- That we have emf detectors that will be used during our Haunted tours at Halloween will be fun new way to do self tours.
- The BBQ cook off is canceled til some future date. Our board member, Billy Clegg has been seriously ill and we wish him all the best. It can wait.
- Mentioned was a Spring Festival to be held the 6-7th of April. That we need vendors and food trucks. The motion was by Linda Turner and seconded by Scott Drum.
- A look at the Old By Laws was tabled till next month. When Mike Shaw can attend.
- That Susan Hawkins mentioned that we need to be planting trees as all of our trees are very old and we have lost a lot of them on a regular basis and it had been a nice shady walk through most of the village 30 years before.
March 2024
Frontier Village & Museum, Inc
Agenda for the Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, 21 March 2024
Opening of the Meeting and Greeting Guests Aaron Thornhill
Minutes of the January 2024 Meeting Susan Hawkins
Board Discussion :
Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report Dale Anderson
Grounds Report Dan Cirkles
Genealogy Report Susan Hawkins
Marketing/ Social/ Media/ Planning Report Susan Hawkins
Executive Director- Museum Report Aaron Thornhill
Old Business
New Business
Meeting Adjourned
Next meeting scheduled for 6:30 PM on Thursday, April 18th 2024
Frontier Village & Museum, Inc
Agenda for the Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, 21 March 2024
Opening of the Meeting and Greeting Guests Aaron Thornhill
Minutes of the January 2024 Meeting Susan Hawkins
Board Discussion :
Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report Dale Anderson
Grounds Report Dan Cirkles
Genealogy Report Susan Hawkins
Marketing/ Social/ Media/ Planning Report Susan Hawkins
Executive Director- Museum Report Aaron Thornhill
Old Business
New Business
Meeting Adjourned
Next meeting scheduled for 6:30 PM on Thursday, April 18th 2024