2023 Records incomplete
Frontier Village & Museum, Inc
Agenda for Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, August 17th, 2023
6:30 PM
Opening of the meeting/ Welcome Guests -Aaron Thornhill
City of Denison representatives to discuss land swap.
Committee Reports;
Minutes from July 2023 meeting Susan Hawkins
Treasurers Report, July 2023 Dale Anderson
Museum Report Kara Trotten
Grounds Report Daniel Cirkles
Genealogy Report Susan Hawkins
Marketing/Social Media Report Susan Hawkins
Old Business
Civil War ------ September 29th-October 1,2023, We need to complete advertising plans and that a video was being made to help promote the reenactor’s groups. We will get more details soon. Details must be collected in a timely way so advertising can be completed
Approval of the 18th version Constitution and by-laws for Frontier
Village and Museum, Inc
Suggestions to increase visibility. Membership, New signage and pamphlet ideas etc.
New Business
Meeting adjourned Aaron Thornhill
Next meeting scheduled for 6:30pm on 3rd Thursday, September 21th, 2023
Agenda for Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, August 17th, 2023
6:30 PM
Opening of the meeting/ Welcome Guests -Aaron Thornhill
City of Denison representatives to discuss land swap.
Committee Reports;
Minutes from July 2023 meeting Susan Hawkins
Treasurers Report, July 2023 Dale Anderson
Museum Report Kara Trotten
Grounds Report Daniel Cirkles
Genealogy Report Susan Hawkins
Marketing/Social Media Report Susan Hawkins
Old Business
Civil War ------ September 29th-October 1,2023, We need to complete advertising plans and that a video was being made to help promote the reenactor’s groups. We will get more details soon. Details must be collected in a timely way so advertising can be completed
Approval of the 18th version Constitution and by-laws for Frontier
Village and Museum, Inc
Suggestions to increase visibility. Membership, New signage and pamphlet ideas etc.
New Business
Meeting adjourned Aaron Thornhill
Next meeting scheduled for 6:30pm on 3rd Thursday, September 21th, 2023
Frontier Village & Museum, INC
Board Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2023
Those attending the Meeting:
We welcomed Visitors-Cheryl Waters, Helen ?, Lea Head and Judy Nixson.
Also at the meeting was craftsman Billy Clegg, who is the man who restored the Katy Depo and will be doing repairs at the village.
Board Members: Employees, Sam Wortz and Kara Totten. Dan Circles, Doug Bucy, Dale Anderson, Lyndon and Gay Nix, Mike Shaw, Aaron Thornhill, Susan Hawkins, Linda Turner.
Meeting called to order by President Thornhill
Next we said the Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge of Allegiance to Texas.
We had been expecting a visit by a representative of the City of Denison to discuss a land swap with them. They can’t meet with us yet. A small discussion among us about their intentions was had, but we eagerly await Information from the city.
Committee Reports:
Minutes from the July 2023 Meeting
Treasurers Report: Dale Anderson Reported and submitted the Treasurers Report:
The Maintenance Account for July 2023 is $18, 659.68 and General Account $10,676.10.
Motion to Accept:1st Lyndon Nix 2nd Mike Shaw
Museum Report: Kara Totten:
I apologized I missed this report except to catch the two who made the motions. I tried to connect with her but couldn’t get it completed in time.
Motion to accept: 1st Mike Shaw, 2nd Doug Bucy
Grounds Report: Daniel Cirkles: He reported the ongoing needs that we have and he brought along with him Billy Clegg who is to restore the Cold Springs Schoolhouse. Mr Clegg is having trouble with the system the City of Denison has to get permits to do the repairs. Otherwise he is set to get it done and told us of the process to lift the building parts so the bottom can be repaired. We have great confidence in him and his skills.
Also he (Clegg) brought up the possibility of getting some help from the State Historical Commission. President Thornhill brought up that he had spoken to them in the past to no avail, but Mr Clegg has a contact there and said he would investigate further. It was mentioned that historic home must be 85% original materials and that they have given matching funds to projects before.
Pres. Thornhill told Mr Clegg and the board that the historical marker that was placed on the Thompson House had been stolen off of of it some 20 yrs ago and that we needed to get another.
Motion to accept report: 1st 2nd
Genealogy Report: Susan Hawkins opened the floor for Mike Shaw who told about the possible donation of about 1000 books by Lea Head (who is visiting). She was introduced and told about how she is downsizing and wants them to be here at the new library. We discussed how we can create space for them. Susan Hawkins told how we might think of attaching the smaller building to the larger one to increase the square footage of the new library. And how we won’t have to put all the books from Sherman and Denison in the new library as some might be online in a digital library’s free access.
During the discussion it was stated that we could buy some more shelving and place them in the current community room until they are placed into the new library. Our visitor Billy Clegg offered to pay for half of the shelving and it was voted on to accept the donation and to buy the shelving. A motion was made to accept that decision. 1st Mike Shaw 2nd Lyndon Nix
A Motion made to accept the Genealogy Report: 1st Mike Shaw 2nd Linda Turner
Marketing-Social Media Report: Susan Hawkins. The Media Committee reported that they had met and have a long list of things in the planning stage.
The first item would be that we work on getting more people to purchase membership in the Village. The Committee had discussed this and found that there are few ‘perks’ to having the membership. It allows for multiple visits but that is the only thing it has to offer. Susan Hawkins stated she had been researching other museums of our type and all of them offer more in the membership. She stated that we could start doing various classes and demonstrations and that members could then get in free, others wishing to come would purchase entry. That the members get a small discount on any books or souvenirs they wanted to purchase. And often they get in a half hour early to big events.
That way more people would join and we would have a membership drive. A new pamphlet will be designed before the Fall Festival, so that the pamphlet will be ready to hand out.
Also Samantha Wortz showed a new design she made of the logo for the village, she brought forward the need to ‘re-brand’ with a fresh look. The old logo is overly busy and hard to read. We will see the finished product next month and vote on it.
Motion to accept the Media Report: 1st Mike Shaw 2nd Paul Donoho
Old Business:
We all had read the Constitution and bylaws brought up last month after we all received copies. We approved the changes that were made and voted to accept the new version.
Motion to accept the new version. 1st Lyndon Nix 2nd Mike Shaw
Civil War reenactments are coming up in late Sep. and early Oct. were discussed briefly.
Aaron Thornhill will have an online flier ready soon and will notify the Media Committee about the details soon.
That we will have several regiments coming and that one will be the Buffalo Soldiers.
A Saturday evening meal would be served and it would be a spaghetti dinner.
Schools had been advised and several have already said they are coming and the TV stations have been advised as well. Pres Thornhill is going to contact Fox 4 in Dallas also.
A dulcimer group has been invited to play on Sat also. The Choctaws have not accepted the invitation to play stick ball as erroneously written last month.
New Business:
Dan Circles told of a museum in Fort Worth is closing down and that They have the original flag of the George Reeves, 11 Texas Cavalry. And that we try to get it for the museum. Also it was mentioned that we would appreciate having any Civil War era items. Aaron state that he will get a glass case if needed.
Motion was given to accept any items we can get; 1st Mike Shaw 2nd Lyndon Nix
Resignations received from Cliff and Pattie Davidson to resign from the board.
Resignations were accepted by the board and motion to accept. 1st Doug Bucy 2nd Lyndon Nix
We had a visitor from the Boy Scouts; Kayden Hayes who discussed her Eagle Scout Project. The project is to be an incinerator for disposing of the flags in retirement ceremonies. The county needed a good place for that and we discussed the best placement in the village to be next to water sources here. It will be planned and built by Scout Hayes in the near future.
Motion to allow this was 1st Mike Shaw 2nd Lyndon Nix
Final thoughts in the meeting:
The Fall Festival is coming up September 9th, Kara Totten reported we will have 1 food truck at the arena, a bounce house, corn hole game, motorcycle show, chili cook off and swap shop.
The Village Museum and grounds will be open that day.
Kara reported that we still do not have a working phone line or internet.
President Aaron Thornhill reported that he will have to miss the Oct 19th meeting as he will be out of town and so will Linda Turner who will be gone on a trip.
Motion to end the meeting: 1st Lyndon Nix 2nd Mike Shaw
Board Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2023
Those attending the Meeting:
We welcomed Visitors-Cheryl Waters, Helen ?, Lea Head and Judy Nixson.
Also at the meeting was craftsman Billy Clegg, who is the man who restored the Katy Depo and will be doing repairs at the village.
Board Members: Employees, Sam Wortz and Kara Totten. Dan Circles, Doug Bucy, Dale Anderson, Lyndon and Gay Nix, Mike Shaw, Aaron Thornhill, Susan Hawkins, Linda Turner.
Meeting called to order by President Thornhill
Next we said the Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge of Allegiance to Texas.
We had been expecting a visit by a representative of the City of Denison to discuss a land swap with them. They can’t meet with us yet. A small discussion among us about their intentions was had, but we eagerly await Information from the city.
Committee Reports:
Minutes from the July 2023 Meeting
Treasurers Report: Dale Anderson Reported and submitted the Treasurers Report:
The Maintenance Account for July 2023 is $18, 659.68 and General Account $10,676.10.
Motion to Accept:1st Lyndon Nix 2nd Mike Shaw
Museum Report: Kara Totten:
I apologized I missed this report except to catch the two who made the motions. I tried to connect with her but couldn’t get it completed in time.
Motion to accept: 1st Mike Shaw, 2nd Doug Bucy
Grounds Report: Daniel Cirkles: He reported the ongoing needs that we have and he brought along with him Billy Clegg who is to restore the Cold Springs Schoolhouse. Mr Clegg is having trouble with the system the City of Denison has to get permits to do the repairs. Otherwise he is set to get it done and told us of the process to lift the building parts so the bottom can be repaired. We have great confidence in him and his skills.
Also he (Clegg) brought up the possibility of getting some help from the State Historical Commission. President Thornhill brought up that he had spoken to them in the past to no avail, but Mr Clegg has a contact there and said he would investigate further. It was mentioned that historic home must be 85% original materials and that they have given matching funds to projects before.
Pres. Thornhill told Mr Clegg and the board that the historical marker that was placed on the Thompson House had been stolen off of of it some 20 yrs ago and that we needed to get another.
Motion to accept report: 1st 2nd
Genealogy Report: Susan Hawkins opened the floor for Mike Shaw who told about the possible donation of about 1000 books by Lea Head (who is visiting). She was introduced and told about how she is downsizing and wants them to be here at the new library. We discussed how we can create space for them. Susan Hawkins told how we might think of attaching the smaller building to the larger one to increase the square footage of the new library. And how we won’t have to put all the books from Sherman and Denison in the new library as some might be online in a digital library’s free access.
During the discussion it was stated that we could buy some more shelving and place them in the current community room until they are placed into the new library. Our visitor Billy Clegg offered to pay for half of the shelving and it was voted on to accept the donation and to buy the shelving. A motion was made to accept that decision. 1st Mike Shaw 2nd Lyndon Nix
A Motion made to accept the Genealogy Report: 1st Mike Shaw 2nd Linda Turner
Marketing-Social Media Report: Susan Hawkins. The Media Committee reported that they had met and have a long list of things in the planning stage.
The first item would be that we work on getting more people to purchase membership in the Village. The Committee had discussed this and found that there are few ‘perks’ to having the membership. It allows for multiple visits but that is the only thing it has to offer. Susan Hawkins stated she had been researching other museums of our type and all of them offer more in the membership. She stated that we could start doing various classes and demonstrations and that members could then get in free, others wishing to come would purchase entry. That the members get a small discount on any books or souvenirs they wanted to purchase. And often they get in a half hour early to big events.
That way more people would join and we would have a membership drive. A new pamphlet will be designed before the Fall Festival, so that the pamphlet will be ready to hand out.
Also Samantha Wortz showed a new design she made of the logo for the village, she brought forward the need to ‘re-brand’ with a fresh look. The old logo is overly busy and hard to read. We will see the finished product next month and vote on it.
Motion to accept the Media Report: 1st Mike Shaw 2nd Paul Donoho
Old Business:
We all had read the Constitution and bylaws brought up last month after we all received copies. We approved the changes that were made and voted to accept the new version.
Motion to accept the new version. 1st Lyndon Nix 2nd Mike Shaw
Civil War reenactments are coming up in late Sep. and early Oct. were discussed briefly.
Aaron Thornhill will have an online flier ready soon and will notify the Media Committee about the details soon.
That we will have several regiments coming and that one will be the Buffalo Soldiers.
A Saturday evening meal would be served and it would be a spaghetti dinner.
Schools had been advised and several have already said they are coming and the TV stations have been advised as well. Pres Thornhill is going to contact Fox 4 in Dallas also.
A dulcimer group has been invited to play on Sat also. The Choctaws have not accepted the invitation to play stick ball as erroneously written last month.
New Business:
Dan Circles told of a museum in Fort Worth is closing down and that They have the original flag of the George Reeves, 11 Texas Cavalry. And that we try to get it for the museum. Also it was mentioned that we would appreciate having any Civil War era items. Aaron state that he will get a glass case if needed.
Motion was given to accept any items we can get; 1st Mike Shaw 2nd Lyndon Nix
Resignations received from Cliff and Pattie Davidson to resign from the board.
Resignations were accepted by the board and motion to accept. 1st Doug Bucy 2nd Lyndon Nix
We had a visitor from the Boy Scouts; Kayden Hayes who discussed her Eagle Scout Project. The project is to be an incinerator for disposing of the flags in retirement ceremonies. The county needed a good place for that and we discussed the best placement in the village to be next to water sources here. It will be planned and built by Scout Hayes in the near future.
Motion to allow this was 1st Mike Shaw 2nd Lyndon Nix
Final thoughts in the meeting:
The Fall Festival is coming up September 9th, Kara Totten reported we will have 1 food truck at the arena, a bounce house, corn hole game, motorcycle show, chili cook off and swap shop.
The Village Museum and grounds will be open that day.
Kara reported that we still do not have a working phone line or internet.
President Aaron Thornhill reported that he will have to miss the Oct 19th meeting as he will be out of town and so will Linda Turner who will be gone on a trip.
Motion to end the meeting: 1st Lyndon Nix 2nd Mike Shaw
Frontier Village & Museum, Inc
Agenda for Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, September 21st, 2023
6:30 PM
Opening of the meeting/ Welcome Guests
Need Volunteer to take minutes and note anything that needs to go on the Oct Agenda.
Committee Reports;
Minutes from August 2023 meeting Volunteer
Treasurers Report, August 2023 Dale Anderson
Museum Report Kara Trotten
Grounds Report Daniel Cirkles
Genealogy Report Gay Nix
Marketing/Social Media Report Samantha Wortz
Old Business
New Business
Halloween events
Meeting adjourned Volunteer
Next meeting scheduled for 6:30pm on 3rd Thursday, October 19th, 2023.
Minutes of September 21st, 2023 of Frontier Village & Museum, Inc,
Board of Directors
Board members present: Aaron Thornhill, Linda Turner, Dale Anderson, Mike Shaw, Lyndon and Gay Nix,Daniel Cirkles. Guests Mark Wingert, Billy Clegg, and Docents Kara Trotten and Samantha Wortz.
Meeting called to order by President Aaron Thornhill at 6:40pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge of Allegiance to Texas.
Minutes of the August 2023 meeting were approved after visitor names from August 17th Minutes were corrected. Minutes page 1, line 2: “We welcomed Visitors-Cheryl Waters, Helen ?, Lea Head and Judy Nixson” to “We welcomed Visitors-Cheryl Waters, Helen Eller, Lea Head and Judy Nixon”. Revised
minutes moved by Mike Shaw, 2nd by Lyndon Nix, and approved by all.
Treasurer’s Report: Dale Anderson reported and submitted that the Maintenance Account had an
August 31, 2023 balance of $18,659.68 and the General Account $7,559,93. We have a $6,000 check
from Grayson County on the way to cover Museum expenses and a $1,000 Fall Festival Sponsor check
that was returned that we are researching.
Kara Trotten discussed our Fall Festival Event. Several vendors did not show which we believed was due to their fear of how hot the previous weeks have been. We showed a small profit of $828.
Report moved by Mike Shaw and 2nd by Daniel Cirkles. All Board Members approved.
Museum Report presented by Aaron Thornhill shows that our guest visits are up 40% over 2022 and
that we had 7 reservations for our Community Room in the month of August 2023. Report moved by
Lyndon Gay, 2nd by Daniel Cirkles.
Grounds Report: Daniel Cirkles reported that he has covered the damaged windows at the Fitzgerald
House and has removed all wasp nests from the buildings that he was aware of. He has found several
Tour doors left unlocked; lights left on, at the Bass House the back door was found open during his visits.
There was a lot of discussion on how to prevent this. Dale Anderson will visit the Village every Monday morning possible to walk the grounds and to check out the building as well as suggested the perhaps we need to make some major changes. Some suggestions were:
Install cameras in all open houses as well as several more around the Village.
Purchase an alarm system. Both of these suggestions require better Internet services.
Partner with the City of Denison and/or better utilize their services.
Have our Docents walk the Village every morning and unlock the 5 Tour homes, leave them
open during the day, and then do an end of day walk through and lock every door and check on
the lights.
Daniel Cirkles and Billy Clegg reported the prep work on the ColdSpring School House has begun and
what their plans will be in the upcoming months.
Aaron Thornhill and Dale Anderson will look at these options. Report approved by Mike Shaw, 2nd by
Linda Turner.
Genealogy Report: While Susan was unable to attend, there were discussion on how to arrange and to
catalog the multitude of books we are currently receiving and on a myriad of opportunities.
The name for our new genealogy building was offered as “Frontier Village Genealogical Library”. No
motion was made because Susan’s input was requested and will wait until next month. The
Dewey Decimal System was suggested by Lyndon Nix on how to catalog our books. Another suggestion was to arrange by State. Two motions that were passed were to stamp books with “Property of Frontier Village” and to arrange our books by State. The report and two motions were made by Dan Cirkles, 2nd by Mike Shaw and approved by all in attendance.
Marketing/Social Media Report: Samantha Wortz presented the request that all of our social media
platforms be standardized under one name. The name chosen will be “Frontier Village & Museum, Inc”.
Motion made by Mike Shaw and 2nd by Dan Cirkles.
Old Business: Our scheduled Civil War Event was canceled as event insurance could not be obtained by our current insurance since gunpowder would be used. This is a growing concern with these events
nationally. Dale Anderson had approached the City of Denison who was willing to work with us as long as we had General Liability Insurance (that we do not have at this time due to cost). It is becoming apparent that we will need to obtain this insurance and perhaps additional insurances (Directors insurance, Accident Insurance, etc.) if we are going to operate. Dale will obtain quotes for our next meeting and work to find out how the City of Denison will perhaps be able to help us to obtain.
Aaron Thornhill announced we had new software from EventCreate.com that will facilitate event
registrations for future events. Aaron has agreed to cover the costs of the software for the first 12
months to see if it is beneficial to our facility.
New Business: We have two additional events coming up on October 28th, 2023. There will be our
annual Halloween Trick or Treat from 10-2pm. This has been advertised by the City of Denison (flyers,
web page). Cost will only be $1.00 or a can of nonperishable food (to be donated to Trinity UMC Food
pantry). Also, that same day we will have our Ghost Walk from 7-11pm, cost will be a $10 donation. We will need volunteers for both events. We would like to decorate the fronts of the homes and to make the Village more exciting.
There were additional discussions on how we can make Frontier Village & Museum a destination for the citizens of Denison as well as visitors and people passing through the area.
Meeting Adjourned: At 8:45pm Lyndon Nix mad a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Mike Shaw and approved
by all. Next Board Meeting will be October 19th, the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30pm.
Minutes respectively submitted by Dale Anderson, Treasurer Board of Directors covering for Susan
Hawkins, Secretary who had an approved absence for this meeting.
Agenda for Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, September 21st, 2023
6:30 PM
Opening of the meeting/ Welcome Guests
Need Volunteer to take minutes and note anything that needs to go on the Oct Agenda.
Committee Reports;
Minutes from August 2023 meeting Volunteer
Treasurers Report, August 2023 Dale Anderson
Museum Report Kara Trotten
Grounds Report Daniel Cirkles
Genealogy Report Gay Nix
Marketing/Social Media Report Samantha Wortz
Old Business
New Business
Halloween events
Meeting adjourned Volunteer
Next meeting scheduled for 6:30pm on 3rd Thursday, October 19th, 2023.
Minutes of September 21st, 2023 of Frontier Village & Museum, Inc,
Board of Directors
Board members present: Aaron Thornhill, Linda Turner, Dale Anderson, Mike Shaw, Lyndon and Gay Nix,Daniel Cirkles. Guests Mark Wingert, Billy Clegg, and Docents Kara Trotten and Samantha Wortz.
Meeting called to order by President Aaron Thornhill at 6:40pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge of Allegiance to Texas.
Minutes of the August 2023 meeting were approved after visitor names from August 17th Minutes were corrected. Minutes page 1, line 2: “We welcomed Visitors-Cheryl Waters, Helen ?, Lea Head and Judy Nixson” to “We welcomed Visitors-Cheryl Waters, Helen Eller, Lea Head and Judy Nixon”. Revised
minutes moved by Mike Shaw, 2nd by Lyndon Nix, and approved by all.
Treasurer’s Report: Dale Anderson reported and submitted that the Maintenance Account had an
August 31, 2023 balance of $18,659.68 and the General Account $7,559,93. We have a $6,000 check
from Grayson County on the way to cover Museum expenses and a $1,000 Fall Festival Sponsor check
that was returned that we are researching.
Kara Trotten discussed our Fall Festival Event. Several vendors did not show which we believed was due to their fear of how hot the previous weeks have been. We showed a small profit of $828.
Report moved by Mike Shaw and 2nd by Daniel Cirkles. All Board Members approved.
Museum Report presented by Aaron Thornhill shows that our guest visits are up 40% over 2022 and
that we had 7 reservations for our Community Room in the month of August 2023. Report moved by
Lyndon Gay, 2nd by Daniel Cirkles.
Grounds Report: Daniel Cirkles reported that he has covered the damaged windows at the Fitzgerald
House and has removed all wasp nests from the buildings that he was aware of. He has found several
Tour doors left unlocked; lights left on, at the Bass House the back door was found open during his visits.
There was a lot of discussion on how to prevent this. Dale Anderson will visit the Village every Monday morning possible to walk the grounds and to check out the building as well as suggested the perhaps we need to make some major changes. Some suggestions were:
Install cameras in all open houses as well as several more around the Village.
Purchase an alarm system. Both of these suggestions require better Internet services.
Partner with the City of Denison and/or better utilize their services.
Have our Docents walk the Village every morning and unlock the 5 Tour homes, leave them
open during the day, and then do an end of day walk through and lock every door and check on
the lights.
Daniel Cirkles and Billy Clegg reported the prep work on the ColdSpring School House has begun and
what their plans will be in the upcoming months.
Aaron Thornhill and Dale Anderson will look at these options. Report approved by Mike Shaw, 2nd by
Linda Turner.
Genealogy Report: While Susan was unable to attend, there were discussion on how to arrange and to
catalog the multitude of books we are currently receiving and on a myriad of opportunities.
The name for our new genealogy building was offered as “Frontier Village Genealogical Library”. No
motion was made because Susan’s input was requested and will wait until next month. The
Dewey Decimal System was suggested by Lyndon Nix on how to catalog our books. Another suggestion was to arrange by State. Two motions that were passed were to stamp books with “Property of Frontier Village” and to arrange our books by State. The report and two motions were made by Dan Cirkles, 2nd by Mike Shaw and approved by all in attendance.
Marketing/Social Media Report: Samantha Wortz presented the request that all of our social media
platforms be standardized under one name. The name chosen will be “Frontier Village & Museum, Inc”.
Motion made by Mike Shaw and 2nd by Dan Cirkles.
Old Business: Our scheduled Civil War Event was canceled as event insurance could not be obtained by our current insurance since gunpowder would be used. This is a growing concern with these events
nationally. Dale Anderson had approached the City of Denison who was willing to work with us as long as we had General Liability Insurance (that we do not have at this time due to cost). It is becoming apparent that we will need to obtain this insurance and perhaps additional insurances (Directors insurance, Accident Insurance, etc.) if we are going to operate. Dale will obtain quotes for our next meeting and work to find out how the City of Denison will perhaps be able to help us to obtain.
Aaron Thornhill announced we had new software from EventCreate.com that will facilitate event
registrations for future events. Aaron has agreed to cover the costs of the software for the first 12
months to see if it is beneficial to our facility.
New Business: We have two additional events coming up on October 28th, 2023. There will be our
annual Halloween Trick or Treat from 10-2pm. This has been advertised by the City of Denison (flyers,
web page). Cost will only be $1.00 or a can of nonperishable food (to be donated to Trinity UMC Food
pantry). Also, that same day we will have our Ghost Walk from 7-11pm, cost will be a $10 donation. We will need volunteers for both events. We would like to decorate the fronts of the homes and to make the Village more exciting.
There were additional discussions on how we can make Frontier Village & Museum a destination for the citizens of Denison as well as visitors and people passing through the area.
Meeting Adjourned: At 8:45pm Lyndon Nix mad a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Mike Shaw and approved
by all. Next Board Meeting will be October 19th, the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30pm.
Minutes respectively submitted by Dale Anderson, Treasurer Board of Directors covering for Susan
Hawkins, Secretary who had an approved absence for this meeting.
Frontier Village & Museum, Inc
Agenda for Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, 19 Oct 2023
Opening of the meeting/ Welcome Guests Aaron Thornhill
Committee Reports;
Minutes from September 2023 meeting Dale Anderson
Treasurers Report, July 2023 Dale Anderson
First United Bank Signature Card
Kara Totten’s Request
Museum Report Kara Trotten
Grounds Report Daniel Cirkles
Cold Spring Schoolhouse Update
Genealogy Report Susan Hawkins
Marketing/Social Media Report Susan Hawkins
Old Business
Book shelving for the new collection.
New Business
Meeting adjourned Aaron Thornhill
Next meeting scheduled for 6:30pm on 3rd Thursday, November 16th, 2023
Agenda for Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, 19 Oct 2023
Opening of the meeting/ Welcome Guests Aaron Thornhill
Committee Reports;
Minutes from September 2023 meeting Dale Anderson
Treasurers Report, July 2023 Dale Anderson
First United Bank Signature Card
Kara Totten’s Request
Museum Report Kara Trotten
Grounds Report Daniel Cirkles
Cold Spring Schoolhouse Update
Genealogy Report Susan Hawkins
Marketing/Social Media Report Susan Hawkins
Old Business
Book shelving for the new collection.
New Business
Meeting adjourned Aaron Thornhill
Next meeting scheduled for 6:30pm on 3rd Thursday, November 16th, 2023
Frontier Village and Museum, Inc
Minutes of Board Meeting
19 Oct 2023
The October Meeting was called to order by Aaron Thornhill at 6:02, in the Village Hall at Frontier Village. The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge of Allegiance to Texas followed by all.
Board Members present were; President Aaron Thornhill, Dale Anderson, Susan Hawkins, Lyndon Nix, Gay Nix, Paul Donoho, Mike Shaw, Doug Bucy, Dan Cirkles .
Visitors were: Billy Clegg, Scott Drum, Sandy Ulmer, Jacob Lee (Director of the Sherman Museum)
We welcomed the visitors and the first item was to approve last months meeting minutes and approved them, without reading in the meeting. Motion to accept by motion by mike Shaw and Lyndon Nix. Approved.
Dale Anderson presented the September Treasurers , we have in our
General Account – no statement
Capital Improvements-ditto
We receive a check for $10,000
Statement of Expenses for the 2023 Fall Festival-total $1499. Profit made with the Festival $144.00
Sponsorships purchased; Hucks, Roadrunner Xray and Genealogy Society -$2206.00
Motion to accept the treasurers report -Dan Cirkles and ? (sorry I missed the second one, things were moving fast!)
Museum Report by Kara Totten
We had 48% more visitors than last year and the Village Hall increased over the past month.
She surprised us by resigning her job at the museum so that she can become a volunteer instead.
Motion to accept the Museum Report, 1st Doug Bucy and 2nd Dan Cirkles
Grounds Committee Report -by Dan Cirkles
Report listed the jobs that have been worked on and those who need attention. We need gravel to prevent washed out places on the grounds. Also the dentist office building needs a new roof and has a lot of water damage. It was decided it would be torn down as it is in terrible shape and would cost too much at this time to repair. It is not a historical building but a replica. Items in it will be moved to another location.
He recounted that the Fitzgerald house needs repairs.
He had repaired several small jobs on several buildings that needed work. He brought an update on the Cold Springs Schoolhouse that was under restoration. Billy Clegg, contractor, has finished the repair of the school but the chinking has not been done and a lively discussion of what kind of chinking to use ensued. All members wanted to use red clay and straw with a sealer on it. Other kinds of chinking were not only not historically correct but they were very expensive per bucket an update will be given next month.
Motion to accept the clay choice for the schoolhouse. Lyndon Nix, Dan Cirkles
The Schoolhouse was inspected by the city and passed though they really didn’t know what to inspect, as they do not know what they are looking at!
We were informed that the trash service has moved a dumpster we used and we need that checked out as well as we need some new burn barrels and some in ground fire rings that would be useful, especially to reenactor's and Boy Scouts.
Money to finish out the library building, $1400 for the new building. Electrical work to be done first. We were advised that the building should be anchored. More decisions to be made.
Motion to accept the grounds report: Mike Shaw and?
Genealogy report. Noting going on with Genealogy till the first of the year and we are able to start the full calendar of events and preparing the library building. However Susan Hawkins brought up that she purchased a hotspot and put it into service at the Village since we do not have internet in the building for a variety of reasons. That way we can present programs and we can use the card reader at the front desk. She paid for two months of GB. Dale Anderson will pay for 2 more months and we will decide in Jan on what the final choice will be, rather continue with the same or a bigger purchased hotspot and /or extra booster to serve the Museum building and the library building.
The cost of the hotspot is $50 for the gadget and $34.99 each month for 15 GB plus taxes, the current cost and we can go up to the $49.99 for 40 gigs. We are monitoring this to find out how much data we are using to run the museum and see what plan we need. If we need to we can purchase a bigger one if needed. We may vote for an existing internet provider but one has not been found yet. We also were without phones for over a month so settling on a service is important. We can run WiFi phone through the hotspot as needed and not be without again.
Genealogy Report on communications- Motion to accept; Doug Bucy, Dan Cirkles
Media Committee report.
Sam Wortz brought up a new place to create a page for the Village and we have a list of things to expand our Media footprint. We will be meeting Nov 7th. To finish out a handout for the membership meeting to be held Nov 18th.
Susan Hawkins informed the board that we are opening book sale pages in the websites we maintain.
Media Committee Motion to accept report; Dan Cirkles and Lyndon Nix.
New Business:
Billy Clegg suggested we can have a profitable event in April (suggested 2nd weekend) for a BBQ competition. He says we can get quite a few ‘rigs’ to come to it. Perhaps 30. We would have to rent the Expo buildings as too many embers fly to be safe around the village. They are checking if the location is available and the date able to be set. The idea was well received. The motion to go fourth; Susan Hawkins and Dan Cirkles.
Susan Hawkins checked to see If the Media committee can also control and establish a planning committee at this time. We were told to go ahead, no motion needed. The basic main idea is to keep a record of all the events and all the details were needed for that event. Basic costs and supplies volunteers, activities that were held etc.
Advice for future event planning when we want to do it again. We will already have a blueprint and it can help reduce any problems of not being ready with loose ends as well as this information being available for the media committee to write the advertising needed in a timely manner.
Also no need to keep making the same mistakes and it gives a place to enter new ideas or improvements to events we have held.
Aaron Thornhill, President is quitting his job and becoming an Executive Director to be able to devote full time to the Village. He will start in two weeks. He will focus on grant writing. His pay to be $17 dollars and his hours the open times at the museum. This was motioned and accepted; Lyndon Nix and Doug Bucy.
Kara Totten who resigned will volunteer here and be also a docent. We will need to fill in some museum desk slots. All that will get sorted in the new year.
Sponsorship's were brought up to allow businesses to sponsor the individual homes in the Village. I did not hear a motion to accept but things were a bit rowdy at that time. I do know people expressed the idea was good.
Billy Clegg and Scott Drum were added to the Board, with thanks for being willing to serve and a welcome by all. Motion; Lyndon Nix and Dan Bucy.
A final call for people to work at the Halloween events this Oct 28th. They will hand out candy to children trick or treating at our Halloween event and also to work on the ghost tours that evening.
Motion to adjourn our meeting; Lyndon Nix and Paul Donoho.
The next meetings will be:
Nov 16th, Old Settlers Lunch 10-1pm
Membership Meeting Nov 18th at 12:30, followed by a Board Meeting.
Minutes of Board Meeting
19 Oct 2023
The October Meeting was called to order by Aaron Thornhill at 6:02, in the Village Hall at Frontier Village. The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge of Allegiance to Texas followed by all.
Board Members present were; President Aaron Thornhill, Dale Anderson, Susan Hawkins, Lyndon Nix, Gay Nix, Paul Donoho, Mike Shaw, Doug Bucy, Dan Cirkles .
Visitors were: Billy Clegg, Scott Drum, Sandy Ulmer, Jacob Lee (Director of the Sherman Museum)
We welcomed the visitors and the first item was to approve last months meeting minutes and approved them, without reading in the meeting. Motion to accept by motion by mike Shaw and Lyndon Nix. Approved.
Dale Anderson presented the September Treasurers , we have in our
General Account – no statement
Capital Improvements-ditto
We receive a check for $10,000
Statement of Expenses for the 2023 Fall Festival-total $1499. Profit made with the Festival $144.00
Sponsorships purchased; Hucks, Roadrunner Xray and Genealogy Society -$2206.00
Motion to accept the treasurers report -Dan Cirkles and ? (sorry I missed the second one, things were moving fast!)
Museum Report by Kara Totten
We had 48% more visitors than last year and the Village Hall increased over the past month.
She surprised us by resigning her job at the museum so that she can become a volunteer instead.
Motion to accept the Museum Report, 1st Doug Bucy and 2nd Dan Cirkles
Grounds Committee Report -by Dan Cirkles
Report listed the jobs that have been worked on and those who need attention. We need gravel to prevent washed out places on the grounds. Also the dentist office building needs a new roof and has a lot of water damage. It was decided it would be torn down as it is in terrible shape and would cost too much at this time to repair. It is not a historical building but a replica. Items in it will be moved to another location.
He recounted that the Fitzgerald house needs repairs.
He had repaired several small jobs on several buildings that needed work. He brought an update on the Cold Springs Schoolhouse that was under restoration. Billy Clegg, contractor, has finished the repair of the school but the chinking has not been done and a lively discussion of what kind of chinking to use ensued. All members wanted to use red clay and straw with a sealer on it. Other kinds of chinking were not only not historically correct but they were very expensive per bucket an update will be given next month.
Motion to accept the clay choice for the schoolhouse. Lyndon Nix, Dan Cirkles
The Schoolhouse was inspected by the city and passed though they really didn’t know what to inspect, as they do not know what they are looking at!
We were informed that the trash service has moved a dumpster we used and we need that checked out as well as we need some new burn barrels and some in ground fire rings that would be useful, especially to reenactor's and Boy Scouts.
Money to finish out the library building, $1400 for the new building. Electrical work to be done first. We were advised that the building should be anchored. More decisions to be made.
Motion to accept the grounds report: Mike Shaw and?
Genealogy report. Noting going on with Genealogy till the first of the year and we are able to start the full calendar of events and preparing the library building. However Susan Hawkins brought up that she purchased a hotspot and put it into service at the Village since we do not have internet in the building for a variety of reasons. That way we can present programs and we can use the card reader at the front desk. She paid for two months of GB. Dale Anderson will pay for 2 more months and we will decide in Jan on what the final choice will be, rather continue with the same or a bigger purchased hotspot and /or extra booster to serve the Museum building and the library building.
The cost of the hotspot is $50 for the gadget and $34.99 each month for 15 GB plus taxes, the current cost and we can go up to the $49.99 for 40 gigs. We are monitoring this to find out how much data we are using to run the museum and see what plan we need. If we need to we can purchase a bigger one if needed. We may vote for an existing internet provider but one has not been found yet. We also were without phones for over a month so settling on a service is important. We can run WiFi phone through the hotspot as needed and not be without again.
Genealogy Report on communications- Motion to accept; Doug Bucy, Dan Cirkles
Media Committee report.
Sam Wortz brought up a new place to create a page for the Village and we have a list of things to expand our Media footprint. We will be meeting Nov 7th. To finish out a handout for the membership meeting to be held Nov 18th.
Susan Hawkins informed the board that we are opening book sale pages in the websites we maintain.
Media Committee Motion to accept report; Dan Cirkles and Lyndon Nix.
New Business:
Billy Clegg suggested we can have a profitable event in April (suggested 2nd weekend) for a BBQ competition. He says we can get quite a few ‘rigs’ to come to it. Perhaps 30. We would have to rent the Expo buildings as too many embers fly to be safe around the village. They are checking if the location is available and the date able to be set. The idea was well received. The motion to go fourth; Susan Hawkins and Dan Cirkles.
Susan Hawkins checked to see If the Media committee can also control and establish a planning committee at this time. We were told to go ahead, no motion needed. The basic main idea is to keep a record of all the events and all the details were needed for that event. Basic costs and supplies volunteers, activities that were held etc.
Advice for future event planning when we want to do it again. We will already have a blueprint and it can help reduce any problems of not being ready with loose ends as well as this information being available for the media committee to write the advertising needed in a timely manner.
Also no need to keep making the same mistakes and it gives a place to enter new ideas or improvements to events we have held.
Aaron Thornhill, President is quitting his job and becoming an Executive Director to be able to devote full time to the Village. He will start in two weeks. He will focus on grant writing. His pay to be $17 dollars and his hours the open times at the museum. This was motioned and accepted; Lyndon Nix and Doug Bucy.
Kara Totten who resigned will volunteer here and be also a docent. We will need to fill in some museum desk slots. All that will get sorted in the new year.
Sponsorship's were brought up to allow businesses to sponsor the individual homes in the Village. I did not hear a motion to accept but things were a bit rowdy at that time. I do know people expressed the idea was good.
Billy Clegg and Scott Drum were added to the Board, with thanks for being willing to serve and a welcome by all. Motion; Lyndon Nix and Dan Bucy.
A final call for people to work at the Halloween events this Oct 28th. They will hand out candy to children trick or treating at our Halloween event and also to work on the ghost tours that evening.
Motion to adjourn our meeting; Lyndon Nix and Paul Donoho.
The next meetings will be:
Nov 16th, Old Settlers Lunch 10-1pm
Membership Meeting Nov 18th at 12:30, followed by a Board Meeting.
Frontier Village & Museum, Inc
Agenda for Board of Directors Meeting
18 November 2023
After the Yearly Membership Meeting
Opening of the meeting/ Welcome Guests Aaron Thornhill
Committee Reports;
Minutes from October 2023 meeting Susan Hawkins
Treasurers Report Dale Anderson
Museum Report Sam Wortz
Grounds Report Daniel Cirkles
Genealogy Report Susan Hawkins
Marketing/Social Media, Planning Report Susan Hawkins followed by Sam Wortz
Old Business
New Business
Meeting adjourned Aaron Thornhill
January Board Meeting; January 18th, 6:30PM
Agenda for Board of Directors Meeting
18 November 2023
After the Yearly Membership Meeting
Opening of the meeting/ Welcome Guests Aaron Thornhill
Committee Reports;
Minutes from October 2023 meeting Susan Hawkins
Treasurers Report Dale Anderson
Museum Report Sam Wortz
Grounds Report Daniel Cirkles
Genealogy Report Susan Hawkins
Marketing/Social Media, Planning Report Susan Hawkins followed by Sam Wortz
Old Business
New Business
Meeting adjourned Aaron Thornhill
January Board Meeting; January 18th, 6:30PM
Minutes of the January 18th, 2024
Frontier Village and Museum, Inc
Board Meeting
Attending were: Linda Turner, Gay Nix, Lyndon Nix, Daniel R R?ihhr (spelling?)Jr, Heather Boykin, visitor, museum member , Samantha Wortz, Dale Anderson, Doug Bucy, Paul Donoho, Kara Totten, Aaron Thornhill.
Opening the meeting by Pres. Aaron Thornhill, we then proceeded with the Allegiance to the Flag of the United States and our Allegiance to Texas and welcoming our guest to the meeting.
A revision was made by Aaron Thornhill about a revision of an earlier arrangement to try to line up the endings of terms at the same time but on reviewing that it was a bad idea and that the original terms ending for Linda Turner and Dan Cirkles will come to their former end in time this year. A motion was made but names possibly not caught correctly. I think it was seconded by Lyndon Nix and ? It passed
The Treasures report by Dale Anderson. He reported The General Account $8,069.32 and the Capital Improvements Account $30,691.53
He reported the monies going in and out in the month and that the legal information has been gathered and the tax were to be filed that week.
He reported work done on the Blacksmith shop was nearly completed by Scott Drum and that he needed to be repaid for the work and equipment for the shop. The total $671.95 was seconded and passed and the check ordered to be paid.
He reported that Scott was a very good person to save us money at all the home supply stores and lumber yards.
Treasurers report was accepted and seconded by Dan Cirkles and Lyndon Nix. It passed
Museum report was given by Aaron Thornhill. In Nov. 2023 we had 130 Guests and 11 members ,2 non members rented the community room.
In Dec 2023 we had 88 guests, it was a 252% increase from last year. 2 members and 5 non members rented the community room. That report was motioned and Dan Cirkles and Lyndon Nix seconded. It passed
Grounds Report- It was reported the Dental chair was moved from the old office, and the building demolished and that it likely had nothing to salvage. We need to think about what the cement slab can be reused for.
We were informed that Billy Clegg, who is a board member and a contractor cannot spend much time at the Village due to the illness of his wife. We all had best wishes for them both at this time.
The grounds report was motioned to accept it and it was seconded by Lyndon Nix and Scott Drum.
Genealogy report was brief as nothing is happening this month except two Genealogical programs for the public will be given in February and throughout the year.
Plans for insulating the building this next week is underway.
We took a vote to remove the $1.00 fee to use the current library room because we wish to be able to seek grants and other future connections and do not wish to be tagged as a commercial library.
The motion was made and seconded by Linda Turner and Paul Donoho. It passed.
Susan Hawkins, Genealogy Committee head informed the board that she adopted the TXGenWeb Grayson Co page and will use it to further our genealogical connections and ways to assist people researching in Grayson County.
Marketing/planning/Media Committee report. Led by Susan Hawkins committee head.
That we were proud of all the changes and we (Susan Hawkins, Kara Totten, and Samantha Wortz) are working hard on classes and events to bring people to the Village and we are getting great reports in the community. It also opened a good avenue to open another income stream to support the Village and the constant needs and repairs. Samantha reported that Natalie Bauman was to write a history for us and she talked of some of the planned events we had in Nov. Dec. and in Jan. Starting in Feb. we will have a long list of events to support the Village.
Samantha outlined the planned newsletter that it will be published soon.
Dale Anderson Motioned to accept the report passed and seconded by Linda Turner.
Executive Directors Report given by Aaron Thornhill. He listed a lot of things that are improvements or good things happening for the Village.
The Old Settlers Association was giving us $25,000 much needed dollars to help us in our preservation work.
He listed some of the events of the past two and a half months. The Holiday Lights reception was held and about 300 people came by.
We had kids’ crafts and children were enjoyed the new classes.
Channel 12, KXII came out and filmed during the Christmas Story-time in the Davis- Ansley Cabin. Children loved being there as it is usually locked up and seen only through a glass door.
We are happy we have two blacksmiths who do demonstrations and now an old improved rebuild in Macaja Davis blacksmith shop.
Samantha started a crochet club and people are enjoying that.
One of the Scouts whose troop has a Village home got his Eagle Scout Badge on live streaming from the Village. We support our youth.
A canning class was given by a community member, Melissa from Holmes Family Rustic Kitchen. We have at least two more canning classes planned this year and more if the public wants more.
Plans are underway to establishing a Frontier Village Cannon Crew which will organize Feb 3rd. They will learn to fire civil war light artillery.
We are also organizing a re-enactment class and look forward hopefully they will join us in our events in the future. It will be a good class and experience no matter what they choose later.
We will be planting an herb garden this year (and Susan Hawkins will organize an herb group and start a newsletter column).
Children will come to a class in Feb to make a Valentine craft and of course learn a little history.
We will have a sweetheart social in honor of Valentines in Feb.
And our big event, Frontier Days will be in March and we have much preparation to do.
He continued that we need a security system and had priced a starter one for $1147.00. We can add to it and add sensors and cameras as needed with monitoring each month for $30.00 no matter how many sensors or cameras were installed.
He discussed the new Patron and Sponsor levels and amounts. A notice was sent out to explain the levels and one attached to this report.
There was a passage in our Bylaws that needs to be rewritten to cover the ‘Mayor of the Village mentioned in the discussions and it was tabled for later. Plans are to vote for it in February. Mike Shaw as Parliamentarian can get that ready for us to vote on.
A brief thought discussed for a future meeting is to find a way to fund a walkway to make the Village more accessible and less muddy. Maybe doing it in sections. This was tabled for another time and with more funds we don’t have yet.
The Holiday Lights group gave us two of their older displays, Skaters and carolers. We can work on a little display for the village next fall.
There was a little flap about the advertising of the Holiday Lights when they shut it down on Christmas and didn't’ inform us so we could change the ads for it. However for this year the Lights Committee can set up some kind of hot line so we don’t have to answer calls and they can control it and just give us the advertising information straight.
Aaron Thornhill, Scott Drum and Dale Anderson visited with the City of Denison people looking for assistance with better communication and to let them know of our activities and they were happy to hear of it. Lorie (?)finance manager for the city had a long meeting with them. She said there were many grants we may qualify for that are from Hotel Taxes and are for helping tourism.
She came out with the city cinematographer and made a film that they are preparing for us. Also she suggested to file for a City Council grant for $5,000.
We have been asked to join in on the Doc Holiday Day in Denison on April 27th. Dress in clothing the 1870-1880 period. There will be a camp on the old Denison High school block of Main street and a booth somewhere to support Frontier Village.
Our Frontier Days will be held here March 15-16th . It is arranged so that schools can come out and enjoy a trip that Friday the 15th. We all have work to do.
He is in touch with all the other museums in the area, Sherman, Fort Washita, Chestnut Square, Fort Inglish, etc to keep contact and help each other supporting events and ideas. Forming a Co-op.
He is also taking trips to schools including McDaniel and will be taking Civil war exhibits there.
The report finished and voted to accept the report. Motion by Lyndon Nix and 2nd by Doug Bucy.
The Adjournment also motioned and accepted by same.
Frontier Village and Museum, Inc
Board Meeting
Attending were: Linda Turner, Gay Nix, Lyndon Nix, Daniel R R?ihhr (spelling?)Jr, Heather Boykin, visitor, museum member , Samantha Wortz, Dale Anderson, Doug Bucy, Paul Donoho, Kara Totten, Aaron Thornhill.
Opening the meeting by Pres. Aaron Thornhill, we then proceeded with the Allegiance to the Flag of the United States and our Allegiance to Texas and welcoming our guest to the meeting.
A revision was made by Aaron Thornhill about a revision of an earlier arrangement to try to line up the endings of terms at the same time but on reviewing that it was a bad idea and that the original terms ending for Linda Turner and Dan Cirkles will come to their former end in time this year. A motion was made but names possibly not caught correctly. I think it was seconded by Lyndon Nix and ? It passed
The Treasures report by Dale Anderson. He reported The General Account $8,069.32 and the Capital Improvements Account $30,691.53
He reported the monies going in and out in the month and that the legal information has been gathered and the tax were to be filed that week.
He reported work done on the Blacksmith shop was nearly completed by Scott Drum and that he needed to be repaid for the work and equipment for the shop. The total $671.95 was seconded and passed and the check ordered to be paid.
He reported that Scott was a very good person to save us money at all the home supply stores and lumber yards.
Treasurers report was accepted and seconded by Dan Cirkles and Lyndon Nix. It passed
Museum report was given by Aaron Thornhill. In Nov. 2023 we had 130 Guests and 11 members ,2 non members rented the community room.
In Dec 2023 we had 88 guests, it was a 252% increase from last year. 2 members and 5 non members rented the community room. That report was motioned and Dan Cirkles and Lyndon Nix seconded. It passed
Grounds Report- It was reported the Dental chair was moved from the old office, and the building demolished and that it likely had nothing to salvage. We need to think about what the cement slab can be reused for.
We were informed that Billy Clegg, who is a board member and a contractor cannot spend much time at the Village due to the illness of his wife. We all had best wishes for them both at this time.
The grounds report was motioned to accept it and it was seconded by Lyndon Nix and Scott Drum.
Genealogy report was brief as nothing is happening this month except two Genealogical programs for the public will be given in February and throughout the year.
Plans for insulating the building this next week is underway.
We took a vote to remove the $1.00 fee to use the current library room because we wish to be able to seek grants and other future connections and do not wish to be tagged as a commercial library.
The motion was made and seconded by Linda Turner and Paul Donoho. It passed.
Susan Hawkins, Genealogy Committee head informed the board that she adopted the TXGenWeb Grayson Co page and will use it to further our genealogical connections and ways to assist people researching in Grayson County.
Marketing/planning/Media Committee report. Led by Susan Hawkins committee head.
That we were proud of all the changes and we (Susan Hawkins, Kara Totten, and Samantha Wortz) are working hard on classes and events to bring people to the Village and we are getting great reports in the community. It also opened a good avenue to open another income stream to support the Village and the constant needs and repairs. Samantha reported that Natalie Bauman was to write a history for us and she talked of some of the planned events we had in Nov. Dec. and in Jan. Starting in Feb. we will have a long list of events to support the Village.
Samantha outlined the planned newsletter that it will be published soon.
Dale Anderson Motioned to accept the report passed and seconded by Linda Turner.
Executive Directors Report given by Aaron Thornhill. He listed a lot of things that are improvements or good things happening for the Village.
The Old Settlers Association was giving us $25,000 much needed dollars to help us in our preservation work.
He listed some of the events of the past two and a half months. The Holiday Lights reception was held and about 300 people came by.
We had kids’ crafts and children were enjoyed the new classes.
Channel 12, KXII came out and filmed during the Christmas Story-time in the Davis- Ansley Cabin. Children loved being there as it is usually locked up and seen only through a glass door.
We are happy we have two blacksmiths who do demonstrations and now an old improved rebuild in Macaja Davis blacksmith shop.
Samantha started a crochet club and people are enjoying that.
One of the Scouts whose troop has a Village home got his Eagle Scout Badge on live streaming from the Village. We support our youth.
A canning class was given by a community member, Melissa from Holmes Family Rustic Kitchen. We have at least two more canning classes planned this year and more if the public wants more.
Plans are underway to establishing a Frontier Village Cannon Crew which will organize Feb 3rd. They will learn to fire civil war light artillery.
We are also organizing a re-enactment class and look forward hopefully they will join us in our events in the future. It will be a good class and experience no matter what they choose later.
We will be planting an herb garden this year (and Susan Hawkins will organize an herb group and start a newsletter column).
Children will come to a class in Feb to make a Valentine craft and of course learn a little history.
We will have a sweetheart social in honor of Valentines in Feb.
And our big event, Frontier Days will be in March and we have much preparation to do.
He continued that we need a security system and had priced a starter one for $1147.00. We can add to it and add sensors and cameras as needed with monitoring each month for $30.00 no matter how many sensors or cameras were installed.
He discussed the new Patron and Sponsor levels and amounts. A notice was sent out to explain the levels and one attached to this report.
There was a passage in our Bylaws that needs to be rewritten to cover the ‘Mayor of the Village mentioned in the discussions and it was tabled for later. Plans are to vote for it in February. Mike Shaw as Parliamentarian can get that ready for us to vote on.
A brief thought discussed for a future meeting is to find a way to fund a walkway to make the Village more accessible and less muddy. Maybe doing it in sections. This was tabled for another time and with more funds we don’t have yet.
The Holiday Lights group gave us two of their older displays, Skaters and carolers. We can work on a little display for the village next fall.
There was a little flap about the advertising of the Holiday Lights when they shut it down on Christmas and didn't’ inform us so we could change the ads for it. However for this year the Lights Committee can set up some kind of hot line so we don’t have to answer calls and they can control it and just give us the advertising information straight.
Aaron Thornhill, Scott Drum and Dale Anderson visited with the City of Denison people looking for assistance with better communication and to let them know of our activities and they were happy to hear of it. Lorie (?)finance manager for the city had a long meeting with them. She said there were many grants we may qualify for that are from Hotel Taxes and are for helping tourism.
She came out with the city cinematographer and made a film that they are preparing for us. Also she suggested to file for a City Council grant for $5,000.
We have been asked to join in on the Doc Holiday Day in Denison on April 27th. Dress in clothing the 1870-1880 period. There will be a camp on the old Denison High school block of Main street and a booth somewhere to support Frontier Village.
Our Frontier Days will be held here March 15-16th . It is arranged so that schools can come out and enjoy a trip that Friday the 15th. We all have work to do.
He is in touch with all the other museums in the area, Sherman, Fort Washita, Chestnut Square, Fort Inglish, etc to keep contact and help each other supporting events and ideas. Forming a Co-op.
He is also taking trips to schools including McDaniel and will be taking Civil war exhibits there.
The report finished and voted to accept the report. Motion by Lyndon Nix and 2nd by Doug Bucy.
The Adjournment also motioned and accepted by same.